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Young Driver Insurance

We know it can be a struggle to find affordable car insurance if you are under the age of 25. Many insurers will consider young drivers a higher risk and therefore the quotes you will receive can be sky high. We believe that you shouldn’t be punished for your age and we can help you find insurance that is both competitive and fair.

Insurance is based on risk and if you are new to driving you will be deemed a higher risk than someone who has been driving for many years. This is unfortunately unavoidable, but we believe that this does not mean you should be taken advantage of. iRevolution Connect can find you a broker that is willing to offer you insurance at a competitive price.

What iRevolution Connect can offer

Lower prices

Young driver insurance can be more expensive than usual, as young drivers are deemed a higher risk but that does not mean you need to pay over the odds. We can put you in contact with a broker that will treat you fairly, find an insurance policy that suits you and at an affordable price.

First time driver insurance

We do provide insurance for young drivers and this includes new driver insurance for first timers. If you find yourself in this scenario you have come to the right place. Here at iRevolution Connect we treat first time drivers fairly and we can help you find your first insurance policy.

Monthly payments

We understand that it is not always possible to pay for your insurance policy in one payment. This is why you will be given the option of paying for your insurance in monthly payments. We know that paying by direct debit can help hugely and you will have this option. Of course if you want to pay it all in one go, you can.

Three levels of cover

As with most types of car insurance you will have the option of three levels of cover, comprehensive, third party, fire and theft and third party only. We will pair you with a broker that will be able to give you prices for all three and can advise you what is the best option for you.

Policies from reputable insurers

All insurers in the UK should be regulated by the FCA and this is the case for all of our brokers. This means that you can feel secure in the knowledge that your policy is being handled by a reputable and trusted company.

Why is my insurance more expensive?

You may feel hard done by if you are a first time or young driver and you are being quoted higher prices than you expected. Unfortunately, it is usually the case that you will be paying higher premiums when you are new to driving. It goes without saying that an experienced driver who has a proven record of not being involved in any claims, and has no convictions will be deemed safer than a driver with little or no driving history. Statistically young drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident, so if you are in this category you may be hit with higher premiums, even if you are the safest driver in the world. You can improve your premiums by proving you have a good driving record over the years. So whilst it may be more expensive in your first year or so driving, this does not mean you need to be ripped off by insurers. Our brokers agree with this and can provide you with very competitive rates.

Insured young boy driving a car

Tips for cheaper car insurance

When it comes to young driver insurance your age may be out of your control but there are things that you can control which may bring the price of your insurance down. Insurers take many factors into account when they are pricing your policy, it does not just come down to your age and experience. Below is a few things you can change that can hopefully bring down the price;

  • Your mileage - One of the questions you will be asked when getting an insurance quote is how many miles you estimate you will drive in a year. If you are aware of times you usually take a trip in your car that you can cut out and travel a different way, this could be beneficial. You will then be able to disclose a lower mileage which may decrease your premium.
  • Do not add commuting to your policy if it is not needed - If you usually travel to and from work in your car you will need to add commuting to your policy. If however, you can get to work via a different method such as bus, train or walking, you could consider doing this so you do not need to add commuting to your policy.
  • Change your vehicle - The vehicle you drive is a huge factor to insurers when coming up with a quote for your insurance. Usually, the more expensive cars and the higher performance cars are the most expensive to insure. All vehicles are put into ‘insurance groups’ which are numbered 1 to 50. Cars in insurance group 1 are the cheapest to insure, cars in group 50 are the most expensive to insure. If you are a young driver with a sports car, you may struggle to find insurance within your budget, you may want to think about switching to a lower grouped car until you start seeing your premiums coming down in price.
  • Black Box / Telematics - It is possible often to bring the price down on your insurance if you are willing to have a black box installed in your car. This black box means your insurer can see how well you drive by being able to track things like your speed, your braking and cornering as well as what times of the day you drive. Having black box or telematics insurance means that the price of your insurance is based around you specifically, rather than a group of people. This type of insurance can be beneficial if you fall into a high risk group but you feel you can prove you are a safe driver.

Why use iRevolution Connect?

We understand the difficulties of finding insurance as a young or new driver. We think it’s important to treat our clients fairly and that is why we will match you with broker partners that want to provide you with a policy that suits your needs and is priced fairly.