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Fleet Insurance

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Why use iRevolution Connect?

Much like the benefits of Fleet policies, we can save time and money by sourcing reputable, FCA registered insurance brokers for you. All the brokers we use are specialists so they know and understand what Fleet insurances are. What’s more, they can be on-hand to help you with the buying process and offer advice when you need it.

Fleet Insurance

Managing a fleet of vehicles can feel like a never ending task. At we want to help you find the best insurance deals for your commercial fleet with reputable suppliers.

It can be quite daunting when faced with lots of insurance providers, knowing who is a reliable fleet insurance provider. At iRevolution Connect, we do the hard work for you and only work with brokers and providers who can prove they are FCA regulated so you know your insurance is more than just a piece of paper.

What types of fleet policy can I buy?

As with other insurance, there are multiple types of fleet insurance policies available.

Any driver fleet insurance

any driver policies save you time and hassle as you don’t need to contact your insurer, every time you have a new driver join your business. These policies are usually age restricted for example, any driver over 30 years, 25 years or 21 years. If you have 1 younger driver, whilst the rest are over one of the age brackets, it can sometimes work out cost effective to insure over 25 or 30, and have 1 named driver on the policy which would be the younger driver.

Named driver fleet insurance

If you tend to have a set number of employees and a low turnover of staff, a named driver fleet insurance policy could work out best for your fleet as this would often be the lowest price but may require you sending in more paperwork to your insurance broker.

Mini-fleet insurance

You may think that you don’t have enough vehicles to have a fleet policy but many of our brokers are able to offer mini fleet insurance policies to those with as little as 3 vehicles.

Does it matter how I use the vehicles?

Many fleets are made up of company and pool cars, however, you can often mix the types of vehicles used on a fleet policy unless your needs are specialist. That is why using can make things easier.

  • If you run a fleet of vehicles as taxis, you will need to look at Private or Public Hire policy.
  • If you use the vehicles as a courier, you will need to buy specialist, courier fleet insurance for multi-drop hire and reward insurances.
  • If your vehicles are HGV’s, Trucks or even used for haulage you will need a broker that specialises in HGV fleet.
  • And, if your drivers are using van’s as part of their everyday work, you may need to look for a fleet policy with additional cover such as tools cover, or even carriage of own goods.
insured fleet of vans

What are the benefits of buying Fleet Insurance?

There are many benefits to taking fleet insurance instead of individual vehicle policies. For example:

  • Save Time by having all your policies in one place.
  • Save Money. Often by having one policy in place your cost per vehicle is reduced.
  • Less Paperwork and Admin including having to send details of your vehicles, or its ownership etc. to just one company.

How do I get Fleet cover for the first time?

If you have had multiple vehicle policies and are looking to move to a fleet all you need to do is complete our simple form, and wait for brokers to bring their prices to you.Some insurers prefer to insure businesses that have a proven track record on a fleet policy, however some of the brokers we work with have relationships with providers who can help you get your first fleet insurance policy.

What levels of cover are available?

Cover levels for fleet insurance are much the same as ordinary car insurances:

Third party

The lowest level of cover available to ensure your drivers are motoring within the limits of the law. This covers any damage to third parties including property and vehicles.

Third, party, fire & theft

Offering the same as third party insurance but with the added benefit of protecting your vehicles if they are stolen or set on fire.


The highest level of protection available which covers everything above, plus cover for your vehicles too.